Intake Pump Station
Intake Pump Station Project in Houston, TX
The Story
Lake Houston water is particularly difficult to treat because the lake is shallow; this new intake system will alleviate some of the water quality challenges by withdrawing from a slightly deeper depth than the existing intake.
The station will be located approximately 900 feet from the shore of Lake Houston & includes underwater screens, pumping, and conveyance to withdraw water from the lake and then deliver it to the treatment facilities.
Design Narrative
FS Group served as the lead architects for the Intake Pump Station Project, overseeing every stage from initial conception to the completion of construction documents and specifications, as well as providing continuous support through the construction administration phase spanning a four-year period.
Collaborating closely within a dynamic Design + Build Team, which comprised of FS Group Architects & Isani Civil + CDM & Jacobs, we collectively brought expertise from various disciplines to deliver a comprehensive and successful project outcome.
City of Houston Public Works